Corrupt Media Continues to Cover Up Obama’s Solyndra Disaster

10 09 2012

On May 26, 2011, the White House posted this video praising Solyndra as a Recovery Act success story.

In August 2011, Barack Obama’s gleaming example of green technology – Solyndra – filed for bankruptcy. The solar panel manufacturer squandered $535 million of stimulus money in a little over a year.

Why Solyndra?
Top Obama bundler George Kaiser made multiple visits to the White House in the months before the company was granted a $535 million loan from the government. And top Solyndra officials also made numerous visits — 20 — to the White House, according to logs and reporting by The Daily Caller. Solyndra officials in the logs included chairman and founder Christian Gronet and board members Thomas Baruch and David Prend. The company secured the $535 million loan despite the fact that it was widely known Solyndra was in deep economic trouble and had negative cash flows since its inception.

Kaiser said he did not use political influence or talk to administration officials about a massive government loan to Solyndra. However, the Solyndra investor made multiple visits to the White House in the week before the Department of Energy approved a $535 million guaranteed loan to Solyndra on March 20, 2009


But, Barack Obama had no regrets.

In fact, Barack Obama was so impressed with the failed solar company that the administration wanted to give it another $469 million on top of the $535 million to make it an even billion dollars in taxpayer cash.

It was also discovered that Solyndra decisions were infused with politics at every level.

But if you thought this major disaster would interest the liberal media you would be wrong.
Only FOX News has given this story the coverage it deserves. The other media outlets mostly ignored the story.20120910-105136.jpg

Thanks to Media Matters for the chart.

Last Thursday marked the one year anniversary of Solyndra’s collapse. It happened to land on the same day as Obama’s DNC speech.
Not one media outlet carried the story.

Credit for story Gateway Pundit.